Manchester Network

Peterloo Massacre Monument


M2 3DW

A poignant reminder of the 1819 tragedy advocating democratic reform, marking a pivotal moment in the fight for rights.

Our Review

The Peterloo Massacre Monument stands as a solemn tribute to one of the most pivotal moments in British democratic history. Located near St. Peter’s Square in Manchester, this monument commemorates the events of August 16, 1819, when a peaceful rally of around 60,000 people advocating for parliamentary reform ended tragically. Cavalry charged into the crowd, resulting in the deaths of 18 people and hundreds more injured. This tragic event galvanized public opinion and led to significant political reforms in the UK. The monument itself, unveiled in 2019 on the 200th anniversary of the massacre, serves not only as a memorial but also as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for democratic rights and social justice.

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This relatively unknown monument just blown me away with its poignancy. It commemorates not only the particular police brutality but also attacks on democracy worldwide. There are markers for Jaliwanwala Bagh, Tiananmen Square, Taksim square.
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I wasn't able to properly see it but I was happy I was there to see it. It's important to remember not only what happened but what lead to such events to never repeat them again. This is why knowing and learning about history is so important.
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At last Manchester has a monument that can remind us of the events that took place and hopefully lessons learnt.